Homemade Skyr


Serves 2-410 minutes prep12 hours cook


1/2 gallon milk (traditional skyr is fat free milk, but any milk will work)

2 Tablespoons pre-made skyr (can use sour cream; it's the same culture)


1. Heat the milk slowly up to 195 F, using a thermometer to check. Transfer to a slow cooker. Cool the milk to 90 F and stir in the culture.

2. Turn the slow cooker to LOW and maintain the temperature at 90 F for 2 hours. Wrap the slow cooker in a thick towel or a blanket and allow to cool completely to room temperature, usually 8-12 hours.

3. Transfer to a sterilized jar and refrigerate. Season as desired. Skyr is a good substitute for sour cream


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